While most vegetables are suitable for planting in containers, a few big vegetables with extensive root systems demand containers which take up precious space on a deck or deck. Radishes are ideally suited to container growing, since the delicious, fast-growing vegetables thrive in relatively tiny containers. Plant seeds as early as February, since radishes are cool season vegetables. Have a break during the heat of summer, and then plant another crop of radishes when temperatures fall in autumn.
Prepare a container at least 4 to 6 inches deep. A pot with a diameter of 16 inches accommodates roughly five radishes, even though a 24-inch pot is big enough for 18 radishes. Verify the container has a drainage hole at the bottom.
Fill the container using standard commercial potting mixture, as potting mixture is lightweight and drains well. Prevent regular garden soil, which becomes liquefied and doesn’t allow water to drain.
Incorporate a time-release fertilizer into the mixture. Use a complete garden fertilizer with a ratio such as 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. Use the fertilizer at a rate of about 1/2 tbsp of dry fertilizer for each gallon of potting mixture.
Sprinkle radish seeds on the surface of the soil. Cover the seeds with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of dirt.
Water the radishes attentively to refrain from washing the seeds in the soil. Add water till it trickles through the drainage hole. Thereafter, water whenever the cover of the soil feels dry to the touch. Radishes may need irrigation daily during hot weather, as containerized soil dries rapidly.
Put the container in which the radishes are subjected to at least six hours of sunlight per day.
Fertilize the plants once the radishes start to emerge. Employ a balanced, water soluble fertilizer according to label specifications. Repeat every one to two weeks before harvest.
Thin the radishes once the plants reach a height of 1 to 2 inches. Allow 1 to 2 inches between each plant.
Harvest radishes as soon as they reach edible size — no more than one inch in diameter. Don’t wait, because radishes quickly develop a bitter flavor and woody texture.